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It’s a Wrap

Like every mom to be during pregnancy, for the longest time, you spend time researching different carriers and wraps which will hopefully suit your wants and needs especially when you have a certain image in mine. My image had always been a cotton or t-shirt fabric styled wrap but could never find one while looking on the interwebs. What this meant for me was that my search would bring me back many results but never something that was cotton styled or made of fabric as soft as a t-shirt but also stretchy.

The Milk Cow - Being a New Mom

“I feel like I’m a milk cow” Such words I’ve been saying often as a new first-time mom of a 2 week old baby boy. I’m not sure how else to feel at this point, nothing I do calms the baby down. No amount of milk I produce is enough for him. You might be wondering if I’m complaining for the sake of complaining but I hear that many moms go through this “baby blues”, the full on postpartum depression that leaves mothers wondering why their baby isn’t bonding with them or why they do not yet feel an incredible attachment to their baby.